Laser acupuncture


This is a special approach to acupuncture. It is a special form of acupuncture that has connections to Chinese medicine (TCM/acupuncture) and natural healing methods. I also use the acupuncture laser in conjunction with the gold beads.

The big advantage of this gentle acupuncture over classic needle acupuncture is that there are no micro-injuries caused by the needle stick, so it is completely painless and is therefore also used on children. All aspects of the disease process can be influenced. This means that both the local organic findings and, at the same time, the psychological aspects of the disease process are treated and influenced together.

The gold beads have an acupressure and harmonizing effect. Similar to the effect of the needles or the acupuncture laser, but at the same time more long-term because they remain on the ear for several days and thus enable gentle, continuous stimulation of the selected points. They are also completely painless. I also use them during artificial insemination such as IVF or ICSI during embryo transfer; they help in the tense waiting phase after the transfer. The autonomic nervous system benefits from the relaxing effect.

Acupuncture can be booked in conjunction with fertility massage, or as a sole form of treatment to regulate cycle disorders or as an accompaniment to artificial insemination in the stimulation phase up to the transfer of the fertilized egg.

Further applications of this form of acupuncture include functional uro-genital complaints such as urinary incontinence, irritable bladder, premenstrual syndrome, painful bleeding and climacteric complaints.

Here you will find information about a special form of acupuncture, hypno-acupuncture more...
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